Tuesdays and Thursdays the younger boys are in childcare from 12-6pm. It can be frustrating trying to get everything together and get them there on time.....each child needs different things in their diaper bags, Michael needs a lunch, and I need to pump extra milk for Nicolas. Then it's the changing of diapers and getting dressed part which can be very time consuming. Michael thinks it's funny to make you chase his naked lil' butt around while holding a diaper and saying "get back over her!". Once everything is done, you can start packing the kids into the car....THIS is a whole other task and can also take some time. Then finally, it's time to go.....or is it? I'm still in my jammies? Argh, it happens to me all the time....I get so wrapped up in getting the kids ready, I forget to get myself ready! HA!
All of that is worth it though. The kids love going to Daycare. It's a great expierence for them to socialize and learn new things. And it's great for me because it's my only chance to do things by myself. I usually try to run errands and whatnot that are harder for me to do if I had my arms full of children.
Today, I went to the Gym for about an hour then did some work at my office, followed by a little shopping for the kids and even myself! I got some new shoes for both Michael and I (shape-ups for me and sandals for him) and a couple of other misc. items.
Michael is so funny when I pick him up at daycare. They have this slide-toy thing sitting in the window there, and all the kids climb up and watch out the window for their parents. Every time Michael sees me pulling into the driveway he runs to the door and waits for me to get him. The anticipation must seem like forever to him, because when I finally open the door, he breaks down in tears (happy ones I assume) and won't let me put him down to get Nicolas.
By the time we get home on these days, it's dinner time for the kids and then bedtime soon after that, so it's not alot of time to spend with them. If we are lucky, Daddy will be home in time to see us before bed and today was one of those days.
Lol, this sounds SO familiar. I've gone to preschool drop off in flip flops and yoga pants nearly every tuesday and thursday and let's just forget about hair and makeup for momma. :) But my kids looks cute! So hard to get everyone in the car isn't it!?